

2007, Paramount
Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel
Lee Tamahori
MPAA Rating:
[PG-13] violence, language
Action/Science Fiction
96 minutes
About the Movie (synopsis from Paramount)
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In Revolution Studios' exciting sci-fi thriller Next, Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage stars as Cris Johnson, a Las Vegas magician with a secret gift that is both a blessing and a curse: He has the uncanny ability to tell you what will happen next.
Johnson can see a few minutes into the future, an extrasensory talent that comes in handy for his job as a magician and mentalist in a seedy Vegas club where he performs nightly. It also has its uses at the blackjack tables when Cris needs some extra cash.
But his talent is no mere parlor trick, and his dexterity with the portals of time has not gone totally unnoticed. Vegas security guards are watching through their all-seeing casino floor cameras, eager to decipher is knack for consistently beating the odds. And FBI counter-terror agent Callie Ferris, played by Oscar nominee Julianne Moore, is eager to tap his brain to help thwart a terrorist group's planned attack on Los Angeles with weapons of mass destruction.
With the nuclear time bomb ticking, Cris Johnson could be key in averting a nuclear holocaust. If he doesn't use his powers to back-channel through the right portals and change the present, his future--and the future of hundreds of thousands--could be a thing of the past.
In Their Words: Jessica Biel describes her character
While promoting The Illusionist last year, Jessica Biel told us about her role in Next, which is based on the short story "The Golden Man" by Philip K. Dick. This is what she had to say:
"Next is a bit of a sci-fi action flick about Nic Cage's character, who has precognitive abilities and can see into his own future. And Julianne Moore, her character is one of the FBI agents who is after him because they want to use his ability to help stop this terrorist attack that's going to happen. And I am this woman who he keeps seeing, and every time he sees this woman's face, he sees it further in the future...He doesn't know why...And it's sort of like these two people trying to be together and falling in love and being chased, and it's this wild ride."
Photo Gallery
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